Katie Branham
Board Chair

I have been mountain biking since 2011. I first started riding while I was living in Indiana, and I was fortunate enough that I attended a fantastic women’s mountain bike clinic my first summer and was able to learn from some of the best coaches around. I was quickly hooked on the sport and wanted to help other women learn skills to replace their fears on the bike. I’ve been coaching since 2015 and have my BICP Level 2 coaching certification. I’ve been involved with WMBA as a member since 2014, a ride guide since 2015, and a board member since 2019. I love the community that WMBA has become, and am honored to help serve our members gain more confidence on and off their bikes.
Emily Romero
Vice Board Chair + Social Media Chair

I started mountain biking with my dad when I was a teenager living in Chicago, but really fell in love with the sport when I moved to Salt Lake City to attend the University of Utah… because, you know, mountains. Mountain biking has introduced me to some of the best and most influential humans in my life; WMBA has been a large part of that. I have been a part of the WMBA race team since moving to Colorado Springs in 2012 and have loved every season since. 2020 will be my third year on the board of directors and I’m looking forward to another fabulous season of bikes, beers, and babes!
Maria Wilcox
Secretary + Sponsorship Chair

As a kid, a hand-me-down BMX bike was my freedom, source of endless entertainment, and the start of a life-long love affair with exploring the world on two wheels. I am fortunate, too, to have dabbled in all types of riding over the years. However, my one true love is mountain biking. When I joined WMBA in 2015, my life changed for the better! Girl friends to ride mountain bikes with!?! I am continually amazed and humbled by the strong women who come out every summer to ride bikes, share in community, and empower others to do the same. This is my second year on the board and I am privileged to serve you all!
P.S. I still have that BMX bike although it's really too small now!
Debi Kennedy

My first real “mountain bike ride” was with a bunch of guys. I always knew I would love it and finally had the opportunity to get out and do it. After going out with the boys for half the summer and trying all the parks, one day we ran into a group of ladies on a Thursday night at Ute. “Come ride with us” they said and I did and haven’t stopped. 2020 will be my fifth season riding with some of the most amazing and inspirational ladies that I have had the honor of being involved with, also my second year to serve on WMBA’s Board of Directors as the treasurer.
Eydie Elkins
Group Ride Committee Chair

I grew up riding bikes. Riding bikes has been a part of who I am since I can remember. It was what we all did together as kids growing up. It is what I did to feel good and to forget the bad. After I had my daughter my Father gave me a “Burley” so I could pack her up and take her with me on my bike rides. Through a 30 year career as a Public Defender, through divorce, through loss, through celebration, I ride my bike. I ride alone and I ride with friends. But riding with friends is the best. I think my best friends are my bike friends. I’ll never forget my first WMBA ride in the summer of 2014. When I got home I was so excited that I couldn’t go to sleep. My daughter has grown up and I got to retire two years ago...and I am still riding my bike.
Teresa Cole
Sponsorship Co-Chair

I first heard about WMBA in 2011 after seeing a poster at Trinity Brewing Company and the rest is history. The ride leaders patiently taught me how to maneuver my Mongoose bike that was falling apart through some basic obstacles and I discovered my passion. Year by year, my confidence and skill level has improved and I fell in love with the organization. The mission of WMBA to “empower women” has always resonated with me as I have experienced my own empowerment and had the privilege of helping other women come into their own. I am honored to serve on the WMBA Board of Directors as a first year rookie.
Leah Dolan-Kelley
Race Team Coordinator

I always wanted to mountain bike but never had the opportunity until I moved to Colorado. I started mountain biking late in 2016 and quickly became obsessed, not only with the biking itself but also with the community. I started racing cross country mountain bikes in 2017 and am now obsessed with racing mountain bikes! In 2019 I earned gold at USA Cycling Nationals in the amateur category for my age division. I joined WMBA in 2018 and was immediately hooked by the camaraderie of the community and I look forward to serving this community of lady shredders.